545 years of HAGOLA – unbelievable!
In November 2022 it was that time again – at Hotel Roshop in Barnstorf we celebrated in a cozy atmosphere all employees who could celebrate an employee anniversary in 2022. The traditional anniversary celebration – of course with delicious roast goose – could finally take place again as usual after the Corona restrictions in 2020 and 2021. All jubilarians, department heads and Managing Director Stefan Rakers were able to fully enjoy the evening together with delicious food and drinks and many stimulating conversations and anecdotes.
Time together was the theme of the evening – so a total of 545 years of HAGOLA service were honored! Managing Director Stefan Rakers briefly reviewed his own years and experiences at HAGOLA and stated that HAGOLA is really like a big family. When he walks through the company, he sees so many long-time HAGOLA employees – he is very pleased that they go through thick and thin together as a HAGOLA family and master all challenges together. Stefan Rakers congratulated all anniversary employees personally and thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their commitment and long loyalty – something that can no longer be taken for granted. He had a few facts and stories to tell about each and every one of them and provided quite a few laughs.
Together we celebrated:
2 x 40 years
6 x 35 years
4 x 30 years
3 x 25 years
2 x 20 years
2 x 10 years
He is happy about every single HAGOLA year of the entire team, emphasized Stefan Rakers and stated once again that the employees are the pillars and the capital of the company. Congratulations to all and many thanks!
(Picture: Jubilarians 2022 with Stefan Rakers (three jubilarians are unfortunately missing))
10, 20, 25, 30, 35 OR 40 YEARS – THERE WAS MUCH TO CELEBRATE IN 2022